Monday, January 28, 2013

Its 29th January Again .. (29/01/2013 01:30am)

Assalammualaikum.. we meet again..

Its been a while... my last post was 2 years ++ way back..and on this very special day i decided to write something.

Obviously today is the day,..My bday..just my bday..nuttin much.I know its not that important to u..but I guess it matters to me.

Syukur , Thank to ALLAH The Almighty.ThankYOU . Pn Ramlah (Mak) and En.Abd Aziz (Ayah), the siblings Along,Angah,Mizi,Amir,Syafiq, laws ,Abg Shairi and Abg Nephews and Niece .. Naem , Faheem , Faqiha.the whole family..My bestfriends..teachers..bosses ..schoolmates.. roommates..housemates ..uni-mates.. colleagues ..buddies..brothers..sisters..and YOU. I'M BLESSED . THANK YOU

Sepanjang perjalanan kehidupan aku .. 27 tahun .. macam2 cabaran..pahit..manis..kelat..masam..3 rasa..5 rasa.. sume ade wa ckp sama lu.haha.. its been a wholesum-complete process ..
Growing up as a person named ABDUL HADI BIN ABD AZIZ is never easy but still i keep on fighting everyday and winning most of the time..i guess..haha. semua yang berlaku..people I've met ..make friend with.. its all gonna be a good thing for me to live on.

I would say as a 27yo young man, Ive achieved much ( but not enuf )..1. a stable job ( i said this cause im on permanent in 2 companies before..grow from working in oil n gas industry..never imagine of it..
 ..2. drive my own car ..Malaysian my persona..walaupun murah..dah sampai sempadan Thai.. n Johor Bahru..fukyeah !
(hopefully xde xcident lg pasni..i know i a gud driver )
------2 point je ? wtf ? hahahaha..mcm xde ape2 je ni ?? -------



What i want ??

1.Im SINGLE..hell yeah .. bila syok kt orang tu..dah kene kebas..yang kita x nak..dia nak I will let it be that way..JODOH RAHSIA ALLAH..but hopefull I will meet Mrs Benn aka SOULMATE soon coz my younger bro dah nak kawen in 2014 ! hahaha..

2.Done to that , hopefully aku dapat bahgia kan orang2 sekeliling aku.. my parents n family..kawan2 aku ( buat masa ni kawan2 aku jauuuuhhhhhh )

3.Career wise.. Nk explore ape lg yg aku bole buat dlm Oil n gas ni..need more exposure..more the same time nak work on my other talent.. i love art..and i want to design..hopefully dpt kluakn something from this n start a biznes.Oh yes.. really wanna try to do it overseas !

4.WEALTH AND HEALTH ..kene balance.. I wish I can hv a smaller..tonner body after this..

the rest I will keep 'em to me self . Penat nk taip dh . :)


always live in a good way..
Motivation aku, selalulah berpegang pada nama yang parents korg beri tu..cuba cari maksud nama korg..n live for it .
macam aku.. Abdul Hadi ,hamba(Allah) yang memberi hopefully aku dapt beri petunjuk,contoh yang baik.
Renung2kan dan selamat beramal !


Budak lelaki 27 tahun